Saturday, December 6, 2008

Stoof And Thangs

I do believe the sound now works on the kitty cam. If you happen by while I'm home and on the puter you should hear various things including Christmas music, me burping, me yelling at the cats for various reasons, me talking to my cats, Cricket meowing loudly because right now she's in heat... and I guess just normal house sounds. I'm not sure if I have the volume up where it needs to be so if anyone decides to drop by I'd love it if you could tell me how things sound on your end.

I'm greatly disappointed in the quality of the picture. It's beautifully crystal clear on my end. Unfortunately, I think my connection speed is lacking. I don't see that changing any time soon. Although I'd love to share my home with you guys with a wonderfully crystal clear picture, I'm still poor and just can't afford the monthly increase in my bills at the moment and since this blogging stuff don't pay... well... let's just say any and all donations would be used exclusively for getting that clearer picture! Yeah, yeah... I'll keep dreaming.

I learned that USB cords are the length they are for a reason. The longer the cord, the less quality you get. The longest I found was a 10 footer. They DO have these little boxes you can buy to extend your USB cords so they work well. The lowest price I found was about $120.00. See paragraph above for reasons why I won't be getting one of THOSE any time soon.

And for anyone who is curious as to how I could be so brave as to place a Christmas tree on a coffee table where it could be so easily knocked down by curious kitties...

This is what the tree looks like without camera distortion


Anonymous said...

I like your little tree.

La La said...

I like my little tree, too. :-)

kryston said...

haha my favorite part of the kittycam was watching that clip of libby and right at the bottom was an advertisement with big red letters that said "VENGEANCE HAS A NAME" and at first i thought you photoshopped that in there somehow :-P

XOXO said...

I heard you cough! :-)

La La said...

I am coughing... a lot. Got a bit of a bug or something. I finally turned the sound back off because I really don't think everyone wants to hear me be sick.