Monday, November 19, 2007

20 Things I've Learned In Life So Far:

1. Gravity is NOT my friend.
2. Life IS fair if you know how to look at it.
3. If every 5 years I asked myself, "Am I where I expected to be in life?", the answer will always be and has always been, no.
4. Family is the greatest gift that life will give you.
5. It may not be what you want, but it will always be what you need.
6. Some friendships are fleeting and only meant to last a short time, but the memories will last forever.
7. It is impossible to keep your children from growing up.
8. Having a young heart and an old body is just weird feeling.
9. You can choose to be happy.
10. Just because you want to play the guitar, doesn't mean you will be able to.
11. The hotness that is Johnny Depp was not so hot when he was younger.
12. Hearts actually CAN be broken.
13. There are very few considerate drivers where I live and work.
14. Some days, life just sucks.
15. Laura Lee is K.A. and J. loves me.
16. I know that my kitties love me as much as I love them.
17. Life keeps rolling on, no matter what.
18. I have a weird over sensitivity to shiny and sparkley things. They draw me like a magnet.
19. Roller Coaster Tycoon is my all time favorite computer game.
20. My neighbors are getting a new roof and sleeping today is going to be impossible.

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