Saturday, November 24, 2007

Campfire Buddies

I could say several things about this photo. Number one... my house is really not as cold as these guys make it out to be. This was this morning, but right now, it's a cozy 67 where I'm sitting. But I just woke up and by the time I leave for work, it will probably be over 70 in here. My little stoves work well.

Second, lets go ahead and inform Jynxy... YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG! But hey... as long as he's comfortable, I guess that's all that matters, right?

You would think, being the cat person that I am, I would have a bed for each of these guys. Well... I once did. But sometimes Jynx gets an attitude and pees on things that are just sitting there asking to be peed on. Actually, we've only had a couple of instances with him and for the most part, he's a pretty good boy. I've got two more perfectly good beds that can't be used right now. I'm thinking of trying to wash them, but I'm not sure if they are washable. I will be investigating further. This bed you see was donated by my not-so-local animal shelter. Three of the cats in the picture came from the city I work for, so sometimes I get special treats from our animal control officer for being such a kind and responsible pet owner.

If it were but 5 degrees colder here, we would have feet of snow on the ground. As it is, it has been rainy for most of the day (the part I was awake for) and we have quite a lot moving in still. It's about 8pm now and I'm curious as to how cold it will get tonight and if this rain will turn into the white stuff. I love snow. It just reminds me of days of my youth and it's just so pretty when everything is covered. We had several snow days last year, and I'm hoping with the early snow on Thanksgiving, it is a precursor to another snowy year. I hope so.

May I suggest a pan full of simmering water, a few dashes of cinnamon, a few dashes of cloves, a few dashes of nutmeg, and a splash or two of vanilla to make your house a little less dry and to make it smell wonderful this holiday season. Sometimes I'll even had pumpkin pie spice as well. Just make sure you keep adding water and keep an eye on the pan ever so often.

Now off for thanksgiving leftovers as I am currently experiencing several brown outs and I need to shut down. I think I heard the sound of a transformer blowing in the distance as well.

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