Saturday, November 24, 2007


I was diagnosed with this over a year ago. Actually... I think it's been about two years now. It is something that is easily treated, once the right amount of meds are found. Some days, though... some days are just hard.

I originally went to the doctor because I couldn't get out of bed. Literally. All I wanted to do was sleep. I would get up and go to work (if I hadn't called in sick that day) sleep on my lunch hour, get home and go back to bed and sleep till the next morning. After about a week of this, I finally got into the doctor and SURPRISE, your metabolism is shot and you were heading for a coma. So I'm on medication but there are still some days, like yesterday, where all I want to do is be in bed. This is way beyond my normal laziness, though. Needless to say, aside from a quick trip to my parent's house, I stayed in bed. This doesn't happen very often any more. But I do still have my days. Maybe it was too much turkey that brought it on. Either way, I failed to post yesterday, so I will post for you twice today.

I'm not making an excuse for not posting... I'm just sayin'... sleeping was top priority yesterday. I'm fine today, though. :-)

Now... everybody get the sound of Homer Simpson in their heads and think of him singing Spider Pig as you gaze upon Spider Cat:

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