Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Bachelor

Well... terrible, terrible ending to the Bachelor. I won't go into the gory details for those of you who don't watch this show, but in the end the guy is suppose to pick a girl after kicking off a total of 24 before her and he didn't pick any of them. He said good-bye to the final two, broke their hearts and in the end didn't choose any of them. What a complete waste of my time... not that it would have been a good waste of time had he chose someone. I didn't know he had the choice to not pick anyone.

So Winter is suppose to come knocking again tomorrow afternoon and be nice and chilly for Thanksgiving. I had to sleep with my air conditioner again yesterday... but a lot of that had to do with the neighbor's roof.

I need to make a trip to Walmart to get supplies for turkey day. Tomorrow will be the last chance I have to do that. I was going to go this morning, but one of the guys I work with kept me awake all night, so I'm more sleepy then usual. I'll actually have a house guest Thursday night and seeing as how I have nothing in this house to feed anyone aside from my cats, I should really pick up a few things in the feed my kid department as well. She said we are going to do girly things. I forgot how to do that.

Cricket has discovered that she can do the new fun thing on the back porch as well:

I'm seriously, seriously thinking of doing this to my house:

kat wallks

My life's desire is to become an eclectic old lady with a lot (but not too many) cats in a house that I own that I can just go off the deep end and delve into my hidden artistic weirdness and go crazy on the inside. Those cat wallks go right in with my theme. I am SO going to do this one day.


Anonymous said...


Call me crazy, but I think the idea that a person is supposed to find true love on a game show is surreal to begin with. I didn't watch the show, but the idea that the guy would pick no one sounds reasonable to me. Besides, would the prospective winner get prizes of any sort? (I ain't saying she's a gold digger...)

Of course, all this begs the question, was it all just scripted to begin with?

Lookin' for love the old-fashioned way (internet dating)...

La La said...

No prizes awarded that they speak of. Ironically, I watched the "after the final rose" where the guy tried to explain his decision and I was amazed to find him saying some very familiar words... "I don't know why" and "I have too much respect for you to let it go on". The girls, of course, just wanting closer and not understanding answers such as these. I was not expecting this show to hit so close to home. I found out that he had the option to tell them that they could carry on with things after the show has ended, but he chose to completely end it all, and this is after week after week of him telling these girls how much he enjoys their company and how much he thinks of them outside of the camera time. I can understand how these girls were so confused in the end. It just baffled me.

I think finding true love on a game show is as possible as finding true love anywhere. The whole show is filled with romantic dates and adventures and is set up for the girls to fall hard and fast... hearts are meant to be broken there. It was hard to watch at times, but in the end he is suppose to pick one and when he didn't... I think a lot of people were disappointed.