Saturday, November 3, 2007

I'll Take A Raincheck!

I did a little research this morning. Specifically, on agoraphobia and social phobia.

Last week I posted about a couple of things that I would be doing this week. I'm here to tell you now, I did neither. And this is becoming a recurring theme in my life. Make plans, get excited about getting out, start to feel panicky when the time is approaching, get stomach ache, think of better things I could be doing around the house, not go. Halloween... stayed home. Last night I had plans with some friends from my previous job. Stayed home. Now... my daughter DID come over yesterday evening and we got to spend some nice time together with pizza and a movie, but she had already said she didn't mind hanging out at the house by herself until I got home. But before she even showed up, I had already started thinking of excuses as to why I couldn't go. Granted, some of the anxiety came from not being happy with anything that I had to wear... I'm limited because of shoe issues and by shoe issues I mean I've been sitting at my computer for the last 4 days and my feet are the size of cantaloupes and stuffing those melons in anything but tennis shoes is impossible and... I know, I know. I'm totally being a girl right now. But I really wanted to go last night and this morning I'm racked with guilt for the girls that really wanted me to show up and I'm mad because I probably missed a really good time... but I really enjoyed the time with my daughter.

I've been off for 4 days and I got a few things done... but not a whole lot... yet I feel it's been a very relaxing vacation and I'm not regretful, for the most part, on just taking it easy. I'm all about that pretty much year round.

And for the record... I don't fall into the categories associated with agoraphobia or social phobia... antisocial personality doesn't even come close, either. I'll take suggestions! :-)

This IS a mink scrunchie. This is horrific in so many ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Give yourself credit for almost going! Sometimes stuff like your daughter's visit just comes up. Opportunities will be there for you when you are ready. Mean while, look back at what stopped you this time, and make yourself ready when the next chance comes along. And remember: the people who love you love YOU, not your shoes. Youknow I know exactly how you feel--what would you tell me if the situation were reversed?

By the way, that mink scrunchie reminds me of the cat anus picture--damn those bad mental images!!! >:^(