Monday, November 12, 2007

Makin' Bread

...or making biscuits. Call it what you will... there is nothing more comforting to most cats AND peoples then when they start lovin' on you. I like this video not only for the picture part, but I really, really likee this song, too.

My Cricket is not feeling well. She was down yesterday, as well. It almost appears as if she's scared... but I think she is just sick. Haven't seen her eat today, but I did catch her drinking some water, so that's always a good sign. She didn't even want her banky yesterday and that really worried me. But I got her to go to it this morning.

I have to go to bed, so I'm heading there now. The sleepies have about gotten me. Ya'll have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Badass song! I was jamming along to it the other day--first time I have picked up the guitar in a while.

I've said it before: the White Stripes are our generation's Led Zeppelin (if they can keep their shit together).