Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mouse, Mice, Meese

I have another whole day of nothingness to do today. I'll be doing things like, clipping coupons, watching movies, napping. So much to look forward to I just don't know where to start.

My mouse (computer type) is dying. And why is it dying and not dieing? I might dye my hair today, but my mouse is dying. Anyway... I've found that when it quits working, I can plug it into one of about 127 other USB ports on my computer and it will work for a little longer. Since I'm doing this frequently, I'm using the ports on the front of my computer. This saves my ass from actually getting up out of my chair. Looks as if a trip to Best Buy is in order. Hopefully no stray computer games end up in my shopping basket while I'm there. Computer mice are cheap. Games are not.

My other rodent smell is fading. Either that or having the window open just really works well. I almost forgot it was there last night. I wonder... is it better that it's cold outside, or would hot weather be worse? Will the cold weather extend the smell for longer, yet not as strong? Would hot weather make it smell worse for a shorter amount of time? What ARE the rules for decomposing, anyway?

I'm thinking about writing a family Christmas letter. Has anyone out there that is reading this, done that before? Are there rules? Do you send these to close family friends as well? Is the point in sending them, to send them to family members you may not see at Christmas, or is it okay to send to those that you will see on Christmas? Should I send one to my ex-husband and his family since the kids will probably be mentioned? I guess I'll go Google it here in a minute, but what do you think reader?

I took this picture last night. I wanted to eat some more watermelon again before I get rid of it and I captured this watermelon monster type thing coming out of my bowl.


Anonymous said...

MMMMMM...Watermelon Monster.

Anonymous said...

It looks like you angered the watermelon spirit by eating it from a bowl.

As far as the Christmas letter goes, I'd send/email them individually. You can cut & paste various details to different people and be personal yet efficient. Just a thought...

XOXO said...

I think cold weather is MUCH better for the stinky type smells that decomposing animals leave.

Hot weather may make the decomposition process go a bit faster, but the smell would be so much worse. (I'm obviously not a decomposition expert, but that's my two cents!)

And on the Christmas letter thing. If you do it tastefully, I think it's ok. I think YOU would do fine writing one because you have a sense of humor. My parents still get one every year from my mom's third cousin twice removed who we've only met twice. And ALL the writer does is brag about how much money they make, the vacations they take, the grades the kids make, etc. It's kinda obnoxious, they way she toots her own horn.

We were going to retaliate one year, and send one out about how we finally made it into a double wide and how my parole officer was joining us for Christmas dinner at the Sizzler. Ultimately, we decided few people would appreciate the humor.

I like your watermelon monster!