Sunday, November 30, 2008

Miracles Of Life

I believe the world shows us every day miracles if we learn to slow down and recognize these small gifts. It doesn't take a keen eye or a college education. All it takes is a mindset to see the gifts for what they are. They can be as small as the bulbs you put out now turning into flowers in the Spring, or they can be as big as the birth of a child. Recognizing that life is cruel, unfair, and much too short-term is easy. The hard part for many is seeing between the lines of the bad stuff that life throws our way.

I've recently had some major life pitches come my way. With the death of my friend came the gift of getting to say good-bye to her hours before she passed away. I know I have mentioned this many times this month. I promise this is the last time I say anything about it this month... seeing as how tomorrow is December 1st and all. Christy and I didn't talk every day. We didn't even talk every week... or every month. She and I had not talked via phone for about 6 months, with just a few emails in between, when she did call. Every time we talked, it was like it had just been a day or so since the last time we spoke. Yes, there was some major stuff happening in her life at the time when she called... but we talked about several things that had happened, any number of which could have prompted her to call me. So I consider this one a biggie.

I'm very selective in my friends. I don't have many but where I lack in quantity my few friends soar high with quality. Losing one, though, puts a severe dent in the balance of my soul. Nothing will ever replace that exact balance. Losing people you love does that to you. As the balance shifts, though, you learn to compensate and eventually you find that you have gotten used to the feel of things... and life spins on.

Just when I started to try and learn my new balancing act, I received another gift. A friend that I had not spoken to in about 9 years contacted me. She and I once worked together and when we were together, we would laugh until we peed our pants... well... I did. Just a little. We hit a point in our lives where we went very different directions with roads that ended up being traveled by us both. Turns out, we're both in a place in our lives where happiness is reality, laughter is common and love is abundant. We spent an hour and half catching up on the phone last night. It was wonderful and I believe I know where I will be taking a vacation in the near future.

So the balance has shifted again. No, it will never be the same as it once was... but it is much more close to what it was a month ago. And that's what friends do. They balance you. True friends never forget you. No matter distance or time.


Anonymous said...

Reading what you feel explains to me why Laura is kick ass and, well, you know the rest.

Anonymous said...

Life can certainly change on you rather quickly. Your comments remind me that heading down the road of life with too many specific expectations can be disheartening and frustrating. But simply hoping for the best (as well as pursuing it, of course) and seeing where life takes you can often send you places beyond what you could have imagined for yourself. Okay, I'm spewing philosophical hooey, so sue me! ;^P Whether it was luck or fate or the universe owing you one, I'm glad you have gotten back in touch with a good friend who makes you laugh so much. Of course it's not the same, but life goes on for the living and we must all carry forward with the business of living it, scars and all. Nobody said it would be fair, and nobody said it would be easy. But you seem to be finding your way, and your strength and outlook are a blessing to those of us fortunate enough to know you. I wish you all the best that life has to offer, and I hope your heart mends soon so that you may once again live in peace & happiness.