Monday, November 3, 2008

Lover Of Darkness

So we are officially now in daylight savings time. Did everyone get an extra hour of sleep on Sunday morning? I didn't. But I got to work an extra hour.

The couple of weeks before the stupid time change are my most favorite time of the year to drive home from work. It's the only time that I go to work in the dark and come home in the dark. Sunday morning drives during this time are the best. I am a much happier person when I can avoid heavy traffic.

I am opposed to DST. I thought it was stupid as a kid and I think it just as stupid as an adult. Doing research about DST I found that with all the benefits that "experts" say DST has, there are as many disadvantages. With all the health benefits listed, there are as many health hazards. There has been no significant energy savings recorded. It's stupid, I tell ya.

Now my kitties will have to get readjusted to the new time schedule. That's always fun to deal with. Anyone who has a cat knows what I'm talking about. They know when I'm suppose to be home from work and they don't like it when I'm late. They know when it's time for me to be awake and they don't let me sleep well at weird hours, although my sleep schedule works pretty well with their sleep schedule. We are a family of 'when we get tired, we go to bed. when we wake up, we get up.' The only time I ever use an alarm is on Friday nights. I am one of those crazy people who work nights, yet on my days off I sleep at night. So I'll take a nap before work on Friday nights so I don't do this:


Anonymous said...

ZZZZZzzz... ZZZZZzzz... What?!? Oh yeah, I'm reading! Gawd, it really makes you wonder about people & society in general. This is a really good illustration of how un-evolved we are; just because we're at the top of the food chain doesn't mean we have it all figured out. I personally think we're a lot closer to monkeys with car keys when I hear about stuff like this.

Oh, and is today's blog going to be about the election? It doesn't have to be political or anything, just your observations.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I agree that DST sucks. Pick a damn time and stick with it. Hell, if I had run for president on the "Abolish DST" platform, I probably woulda won.