Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just A Saturday

Because I often put off shopping till I absolutely have no other choice but to go, when I actually DO go, I end up spending more than I wanted to, yet everything I buy is something that I really need. Well... almost everything. This applies to the hardware store, the grocery store, the clothing store, etc.

I spent too much at Home Depot, but I got a lot of cool stuff. I didn't have to go to the computer store because Target had a nifty computer mouse that works wonderfully! I probably shouldn't have lingered in the computer section, though. I really have NO idea how that computer game got in my basket! (This excuse was well used when I had children shopping with me. It doesn't hold much weight now and the register clerks look at me weird. But then they start ringing up all my cat groceries and I see them nodding their head in understanding.)

So I tore up more of my wall with my cool new tool. I have a little more destruction left and then I'll start patching. Sitting here looking at ALL the walls, I have a lot of work ahead of me. I can't expect perfection unless I want to install new sheetrock. Since I'm not willing to put that kind of money in a house that's going to be bulldozed once it's sold, I'm seriously considering some kind of mural or random wall art. This giant crack that is now a hole would be a good placement for some faux brick art. I bought some shelving to put my paints on and since my art desk is going to be kept over there anyway, I might art it up some on the wall. This might be good practice for when I grow up and buy my own home.

Not much else going on in my neck of the woods. Is very windy and very cold outside. Good day to sleep in.

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