Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...

... the C word. You know... that time of year that's only 36 days away. Lots of decorations up around the area... I think I saw my first house with a lit up tree a couple of weeks ago. I do no decorating for the season until after Thanksgiving. I've done it as early as the day after Thanksgiving, and have waited till the week of Christmas, but never before the turkey day. Lots of people do... I think more nowadays then when I was younger. Last year I didn't even bother until the last minute, then I only decorated my fake ficus. I can only speculate the reasons why someone would decorate so early. If you are an early decorator for the Holidays, I am curious as to the reasons and would love to hear from you.

I was pondering my handiwork so far on the corner I've been leisurely working on. The last major room makeover I did (not counting my daughters room since all I did was paint) was in my other house, and I chose the dining room/kitchen area. I started that project about the same time of year as I've started this one. Granted, that was a pretty big project and I can't tell you how many months it took me to finish. There were certain circumstances involved which is why it took so long to complete, but before I started I got this same intense need to change things up a bit... more so than just moving the furniture around. And like that time, this is a definitive 'need to' kind thing as opposed to a 'want to' kind of thing. Just not sure where it's coming from or why it seems to hit around this time each year.

I'm thinking maybe a small live tree this year... as opposed to my giant fake tree, and my fake ficus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fake trees get fake presents actually.