Tuesday, November 4, 2008

To Christy

I talked to you last Thursday night. The 30th. I found out by accident a few hours ago that between then and now... you died. I don't even know when... or how. I am so sad right now, Christy. My heart is just shattered. Thank you for calling on Thursday. Thank you for saying good-bye and letting me do the same... even though that's not what we thought we were doing at the time. I'm glad I got to hear you laugh again... I'm glad we got to cry together again... even though you had no idea that I was crying at the time. I'm worrying about your kitties for you, because you would do the same for mine. They will miss their momma so much. Someone has been on your MySpace account because the last log-on date is today. Your friends are all leaving you messages, letting you know how much they will miss you. That's how I found out, by the way. Your MySpace page. The first ones are dated November 1st.

So... I guess I'll be seeing ya. Maybe not for a while, though. I sure am going to miss you until then. I stole the picture from one of your friends. I think you would approve. You are so pretty here. Until we meet... again.


Anonymous said...

Laura Im so very sorry we were just talking about her last night.I hope your going to be okay.I will have you in my prayers we love you.

Aimee said...

So sorry for the loss of your friend. :(

XOXO said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. I remember you talking about her.

If you need anything, let me know.